PC-ACCS – Auditel Computer


  • Flexible user operation options (see ACCS page)
  • Familiar, Windows-based user interface
  • Expandable hard drive and other features like any normal Windows PC
  • 2U rackmount 19” unit
  • Can be networked onto any local intranet, but not necessary for regular operation

Tech Spec:

  • Windows 10 Pro
  • Intel Core i5 Processor
  • Quad-core graphics card for multiple monitor setup
  • 4GB DDR4 RAM
  • 500GB Hard Drive


  • Currently unavailable


  • PC-ACCSPC with ACCS, 19″ LCD Monitor, Mouse & Keyboard
  • PC-ACCS-SER8PC with ACCS, 19″ LCD Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard & 8-port Serial Card
  • PC-ACCS-DPC with ACCS-D, 19″ LCD Monitor, Mouse & Keyboard
  • PC-ACCS-D-SER8PC with ACCS-D, 19″ LCD Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard & 8-port Serial Card

Auditel Computer

The Auditel Computer is a bespoke, rack mount Windows-based workstation which acts as the software/hardware centre to give any Auditel conference system the advanced features above and beyond just a simple discussion system. It connects to the Central Control Unit of the relevant conference system, enabling all data across the microphone network to be shared across the hardware connections and into the relevant software application. The heart of the software is ACCS, from which features such as electronic voting and delegate conference control, to audio recording and tracked camera connection, becomes possible.